Pristiva POWER UVA

Unleash the Power of the Sun

A unique, innovative technology product that’s ideal for salt pools.

Filters UV light to protect chlorine from the sun.

Continuously oxidizes pool water using the power of the sun.

Replaces the need for cyanuric acid (CYA).

What’s Unique about PRISTIVA POWER UVA?

Introducing Pristiva Power UVA – the perfect pool care solution for salt water swimming pool owners! Specially designed to work with the unique properties of salt water, Power UVA uses Hydroxyl Radicals to transform the natural power of the sun’s UV light into a powerful oxidizer, maintaining water that is sparkling clear and inviting. Power UVA is also an innovative, complete replacement for the use of raw stabilizer (CYA) in a salt pool.

  • Eliminates the need for frequent pool shocks and stabilizer additions
  • Clearer, more sparkling water from unleashing the power of the sun – continuous oxidation while the sun is shining!
  • Reduced chloramines.


How is it applied?

  • Add monthly as part of the Pristiva Salt Pool Care System
  • Convenient liquid product for easy application – just pour it in.
  • Just pour 400 ml per 10,000 litres per month directly into the pool (always double the 1st application each season)