The Pristiva 3-Step System
for salt water pools

Pristiva Premium Salt
Delivers crystal clear, soft, soothing waters unmatched by traditional pools.

Pristiva Primer
Primes the pool for immediate protection against stains, scale, and corrosion.

Pristiva Premium Shock
The only shock treatment needed in a salt chlorinated swimming pool.
The Pristiva 3-Step System replaces all other salts and blended minerals and can be used in all pools!
The Perfect Solution
The Pristiva 3-Step System is the most advanced start-up and maintenance program for salt water pools available, providing unparalleled protection and water performance.
Whether you’re considering building a pool, thinking about switching over your tranditional chlorine pool, or looking to take your salt water pool to the next level, the Pristiva 3-Step System is the perfect solution. After conducting extensive research with pool builders, retailers, and service companies to understand the unique needs and challenges of salt water pools we designed an entirely new program to not only meet, but exceed those needs. The result is the fast, easy Pristiva 3-Step System

Provides unmatched protection of pool finishes and equipment

Easy to use with fewer steps for less time and lower cost associated with operating and maintaining a pool.

Delivers an isotonic advantage which creates water that’s more soothing to the eyes and skin than a traditional salt water pool.
Let’s break it down now
Step 1: Pristiva Premium Salt

Used whenever the pool water requires salt to be added to maintain the proper salinity level (For example, when a pool is freshly filled, at spring opening, any time an appreciable amount of pool water has been lost due to backwashing, draining, leaks, etc.)

The desired salinity level is that recommended by the manufacturer of your electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG)

Most systems operate at approximately 3,000 – 4,000 ppm

Periodic testing will determine if Pristiva Premium Salt is required

The highest quality salt available for swimming pools

Least amount of undesirable impurities like iron, phosphates, sulfates, organic contaminants, etc.

Delivers crystal clear, soft, soothing waters unmatched by traditional pools
Application & Dosage

Determine the desired salinity level for your electrolytic chlorine generator

Calculate the quantity of Pristiva Premium Salt to achieve that salinity level in your volume of water

For reference, 1 bag of Pristiva Premium Salt will achieve approximately 450 ppm in 10,000 gallons or 38,000 litres

The Pristiva 3-Step System delivers breakthrough technology with Pristiva Premium Salt, Pristiva Primer and Pristiva Premium Shock for incomparable salt water pool comfort and protection.

Step 2: Pristiva Primer

Primes the pool for immediate protection against stains, scale and corrosion (common issues associated with salt water pools).

Also aids in delivering superior water clarity and comfort

Added initially and then once per month thereafter to maintain maximum protection
Application & Dosage

Initially, add 1 bottle of Pristiva Premium Shock per 10,000 to 13,000 gallons or 40,000 to 50,000 litres

This initial dosage would be applied when a pool is freshly filled or after any significant addition of fresh water (ie: spring opening)

Monthly maintenance, add 1 bottle of Pristiva Primer for each 20,000 to 26,000 gallons or 80,000 to 100,000 litres. Apply through the skimmer.

For pools less than 10,000 gallons or 40,000 litres, add the full bottle but extend the time before reapplying proportionately.
Step 3: Pristiva Premium Shock

The only shock treatment needed in a salt water pool

Used initially and then once per month thereafter

Always applied immediately after the application of Pristiva Primer to keep it simple and easy

Works with Pristiva Primer to deliver sparkling clear, comfortable pool water

Boosts chlorine residual and tops up stabilizer level
Application & Dosage

Initially, add 1 bottle of Pristiva Premium Shock per 20,000 gallons or 80,000 litres

Monthly maintenance, add 1 bottle of Pristiva Premium Shock per 20,000 gallons or 80,000 litres

Always apply Pristiva Premium Shock through the skimmer immediately after the addition of Pristiva Primer

Maintenance of Your Salt Water Pool

Salt levels should be checked monthly to ensure they are within the range suggested by your ECG manufacturer. When salt is needed, use highest quality Pristiva Premium Salt.

Pristiva Primer should be added initially and then once per month thereafter, as long as the pool is open.

Following each application of Pristiva Primer, add Pristiva Premium Shock.
The Pristiva 3-Step System
for salt water pools

Pristiva Premium Salt
Delivers crystal clear, soft, soothing waters unmatched by traditional pools.

Pristiva Primer
Primes the pool for immediate protection against stains, scale, and corrosion.

Pristiva Premium Shock
The only shock treatment needed in a salt chlorinated swimming pool.
The Pristiva 3-Step System replaces all other salts and blended minerals and can be used in all pools!