Dryden AFM®ng

Activated Filter Media

What if you could…

  • increase your water clarity significantly without adding a clarifier?
  • make your filter self-oxidizing
  • NEVER have to replace your filter sand again?
  • remove more stuff from the water

Now you can with AFM®ng

Think of the filter as the “kidney” of your pool, just as your kidneys are constantly working to remove impurities from your body, your pool filter is responsible for removing impurities from the water. Think dirt, leaves and pine needles in the pool.

The more efficient and optimized your filtration is, the less amount of time and effort you need to spend on maintaining your pool.

Now’s the time to upgrade your sand filter to the best filtration available on the market!

AFM®ng is the result of 35 years of research and development by Dryden Aqua. Made from brown and green glass, it is exposed to a unique activation process that makes it self-oxidizing and takes its filtration capabilities to a whole new level.

This filtration media is a direct replacement for sand. Any sand filter can be retrofitted and requires no additional investment in infrastructure.


Self-oxidizing surface. The activated surface stays free of unwanted wastes that cause clumping. This improves backwashing.

Increased surface area for superior filtration properties.

Hydrophobic surface for the adsorption of fine particles and organic matters.


Exceptional water quality: Filters 95% of particles down to 1 micron (20 to 40 times better than sand)

Lower operating cost: Less water loss

Longest lasting filtration: Lasts longer than any other media and has a lifetime guarantee!